The Future of Warmth: Sustainable Comfort with Heated Panels.
(Positions heated panels as a modern and eco-friendly option)

Features of Endura-Form Panels

Green House using panels

Rock Solid

Snow & Ice Control for Airport
See Our Inspiring Gallery
Residential Applications


Commercial Applications

Endura-Form can help prevent runway soil erosion & rutting reduce runway maintenance. Prevent ice buildup and ensure smooth operation for ground equipment and aircraft maintenance.

Horse Stables with Heated Panels
Heated panels installed in horse stables offer a promising solution. These panels would generate warmth, eliminating the need for relocation. Maintaining stable hygiene remains crucial.

Radiant Heating Capabilities
ENDURA-FORM panels are extremely strong and durable and have the unique capability to be easily fitted with heating lines for radiant heat applications. They will provide maximum performance in the most extreme conditions.

Airport Deicing Deck
To demonstrate the strength and toughness of Endura-Form panels, three fully loaded rock trucks were parked on the apron. These trucks weigh over 300,000 pounds altogether and the Endura-Form panels don’t mind at all!
Some More About Heated Flooring Panels

Made from Polyproplene

Can Hold Over 800 P.S.I.

Weighs 30 Pounds
How Endura-Form Panels work!!
Glimpses of FIFA World Cup 2015